
indie valentine.

...................................................i wanna go.
oh. valentines day is overrated. :)



a new plastic camera to add to my collection one :| my love for lomo's will just not stop, nor do i want it to. :) i'm in the process of making a flickr album of all of my fisheyes taken up to date. get excited. ;¬{0 now back to multislacking......! xoox|mƒ



i heart printmaking.

©2006. sophomore in college. angry english professor. never ending $upply li$t...starting out, i loathed everything about printmaking.
After being introduced to some of the techniques, tools, and machinery involved in the fine art of printmaking, it wasn't long before i was completely enamored. I will never forget how fast Mr. P.Shuck jumped up when I cut my thumb with the knife tool. He practically threw me over his shoulder to get me to the campus nurse before showering me with antiseptic and band-aids. I don't believe I have ever seen a grumpy old man so disturbed and concerned in all my life. I really liked him after that day.
Below are some pieces that i took from that class... the first being the one that wrecked my thumb.
Just reminiscing a bit, It has been far too long. :| ...Hopefully the plan of building a mini print studio in my basement pans out this summer, and i will have more to share. :) [chipbff + burrito destroyer, no pressure] xoox|mf




silly face.



links to the right . >>see also: ridiculously talented. -- received something yesterday that has kept me smiling all day + probably will for some time to come. :) -- xo|mf


[the creative outfit]

tCO | 4 freelance friends + myself >> trying to get things rolling on our own working late, on some personalish things. meeting tomorrow at bernice > hopefully we dismiss with an identity we love. beginning stages of logo development ideas below... ps. i like screen captures. pps. click'm. (: ox|mf --


year in review.

eh. i'm sure i left a whole hell of alot out, but here's most of the glorious ups & downs of 2007. to sum it up in some words....
>> click the image. :)
ps| i was trying to think of anything i could make today...... i'm in a slump. until later. xo|mf