
i love this pretty hard and am ordering. :) jewelry makes me happy. - - - on another note, my chipbff, adam just shared alot of his music with me. which...might make me happier than jewelry. yes. it does. currently i am obsessing over battles, and for great reason. listen!! new artworks up after the weekend i hope...(?) i've been battling (pun intended-heh) with time...i am finally inspired. moreso than ever, i'd say, and the clock does not want to cooperate. hmpf. this urge to create...this desire...i cannot wait to translate. :) have a lovely leapyearish weekend. xo|mf


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I received a nice message from my oldest friend today, Bethany Meyers, and it made me smile. I thought I would share. We grew up neighbors on spruce street, and shared everything. She's the best. We eventually took our own paths, but have always found ways to keep in touch. Beth lives in Chicago now and works for Lululemon Athletica in public relations, and is a beautiful little lady that I am proud to call my friend. :)
"I saw this and thought of you because I just remember us as little girls swinging on our swing-sets, yelling to no one in particular, that we were flying... We would pump our legs so hard until the chains on the swing would let up a little and I'm sure we both imagined what would happen if we went so high that we flipped over the bar. I remember you would always jump off, but I was too scared so i would purposely try to go slower at the end so I could still jump when you did and not be so high up... God I miss those days of old spruce drive....love ya girl"
Ironically, my brother recently bought his first house on Spruce Street and Bethany's older brother, Jonathan lives with his wife and new addition, Claira, right next door. - - - I hope this reminded you of an old friend or made you smile as hard as Beth made me this mornin. ps. looking back at kiddie pictures, I was just as silly and ridiculous then as I am now. pps. i'm the blonde. If you can't tell. :) xoxoxo|mf


quite a few prints waiting ever so patiently to love on my walls. time for a change. :| environment comes first(?) the office closes at noon today...maybe the abode will sway my attention. post script: i'mnotmakinganypromises.


her work is so amazing to me. click the picture! i'd like to find this book... more to come... xoxo|mff



thoughts on said holiday: if you love someone, you should show them on days when it is not required. :)
[just a thought]
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i colored on an ad i clipped from a magazine today. 'twas fun.


agnes montgomery

my coworker, kristen, showed me this womans collage work this morning, i like. different than most...thought i would share. clicky above.



i just remembered i have a lomohome... i created this back in may/june + i don't think i have been back since :| most all of the images are from memphis. it is in dire need of some updates...maybe i'll do that soon. ;) overwhelming. the things i want these days.


i flickr.

dave kinsey.

>>click. inspiring afternoon once again >>thanks, chip bff. ...similar to some things i hope you'll be seeing from me in the near future. we'll see. mƒƒ :)


my bff has been through lots lately... i'm not the best at disclosing my emotions + sadly, it seems to hold especially true to those i keep the closest. lame, i am aware. i am improving! until then, i've resorted to making things for said people instead of trying to express myself with my sometimes jumbled speech. :) nothing special, but it made her smile. >>next up: fisheyes from this weekend.....


snow + charcoal

it is so pretty outside! maybe 8inches(?)ish... i got a ride to work, my car was buried+looked cold. i want to make snow angels + wear my duck hat + snuggle up. my green|white fusion tea is making me a bit nauseous. :( ...just some thoughts. got cozy last night, listened to some great music and drew a little again :) fun. fun. more to come... have a lovely day, comrades! xo.s|mƒ